Campus Bijloke - Zwarte Zaal Louis Pasteurlaan 2 Gent
20something is het resultaat van een workshop die Gabel Eiben gedurende vier weken gaf aan 6 bachelorstudenten drama.
The dreams, desires and anxieties of adolescence seem to linger longer and longer as we wade into the 21st century. In 20something we try to take an honest look at whether that statement is true or just a byproduct of oversharing our experiences in the form of Snaps and Posts. The actors explore this through the lens of an American dreamscape. The melodramatic forms on display are used to frustrate and facilitate the performers’ ability to share with the audience their life experience as well as the experiences in the moment on stage. The verbatim text is sampled from conversations with friends of the author including the performers. These intimate, sincere, and sometimes banal meanderings are used to explore the myth that we ever really do “come of age.”
Gabel Eiben
Aimé Claeys, Gina Beuk, Judith Dhondt, Judith Willems, Laurens Aneca, Martha Balthazar
is sampled from conversations with Ross Cowan, Inga Hakonardóttir, Tarek Halaby, Luis Miguel Ramirez Muñoz, Mary Tuomanen, Katie Vickers, and the performers.