

Masterproef van Tibau Beirnaert

LOD muziektheater, Bijlokekaai 3, 9000 Gent

I am a romantic addict
In telling a story or doing an action
I always exaggerate
Or dramatize, as I like to think of it

This makes things more real…

I took the end once again
The end as a beginning
Not a mourning ritual
But one to build
A road that twists and turns
Only to end further

There is water somewhere in the middle
A bath,
Two meters long and barely 30 centimeters high
For the moments when we can be inflamed and learn to take care of ourselves again
To be a mother
Our own mother

In a world that wavers where I am too soft and feel rigor mortis more than once
In myself, the other
Sometimes for a moment, then again permanently

We wash each other and talk to the past
Beyond the meaning of washing we are not clean or pure
But it is unmistakably part of the intangible
At the fall of the encyclopedia the question is for whom
But my answer:
Take a bath together

I learned that I don’t have to try to be one of the men if I don’t want to
I never wanted to
So I stayed by myself and played in fantasy.

F A G G O T S is a solo theater performance by Tibau in which they take you into a nature documentary about another planet. After the hopeless male conquerors have finally found a new habitable planet, they’ve screwed it up there too. What if for once only the faggots survived? What would it be like? How are they adapted to living there? And how do they experience their days? The result is a strange search for less masculinity, more warm loving queer futures, sensuality and softness, that wants to offer solace.



Tibau Beirnaert
Laurens Aneca

Tibau Beirnaert

Seppe Vande Veire

Bavo Buys

Marie Baudoncq
Brende Eschauzier

Tibau Beirnaert

Rob Hendrickx

Sam De Mol
Tibau Beirnaert

Frederik Le Roy
Kopano Maroga

Freek De Craecker, Ans Van Gasse, Bauke Lievens, Bardia Mohammad, Valerie Desmet, De figuranten, Pole Arena…

Geïnspireerd door: The Faggots and Their Friends Between Revolutions van Larry Mitchell
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